
The Perfect Opener

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $7.00.

Discover the perfect way to open any show! This trick has the strategy baked in! Once you have our "Perfect Opener Launch Plan," you'll have a proven trick that gets repeatable results in show after show… Performance after performance… and wins them over every time!


Discover the perfect way to open any show!

This trick has the strategy baked in!

The next time you do magic (whether for a new friend, a professional magic show, adults, kids or a combination)  you need a Perfect Opener that has this strategy baked in from the beginning. 

Fortunately, that's exactly what we're about to give you...

Once you have our "Perfect Opener Launch Plan," you'll have a proven trick that gets repeatable results in show after show… Performance after performance… and wins them over every time!

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