The '3 Step' Power Boost for Facebook

Looking for the perfect way to start growing your magic business immediately?

Our proven magician-friendly Facebook Power Boost System allows you to get more likes, shares and overall traffic to any fb post that promotes your magic.  

In this Marketing Plan, Adam shares his coveted ‘3 Step Power Boosting Method‘.  Using this exact system,  our members have had tremendous success driving traffic…all for only spending five dollars!

1. Start Here

Welcome to Your Amazement Plan

If you are a member of Conjuror Community's CC Club, feel free to post your questions about this Amazement Plan (or any of your magic) and the CC Team will answer and discuss them on our thriving member network.  Not a member yet?  Consider joining the CC Club today.

Here's how to get the most out of the content in this Amazement Plan:

  1. Watch the entire AP once - Look through this entire AP and watch the videos. Don't execute on the steps until you have finished watching the entire AP.  This will help you "scope" the plan, understand the progression of the steps, and put them into context.
  2. Complete the steps - This Amazement Plan is a checklist.  Each step builds upon the next.  Complete each step in order and follow along with the tutorials while you build amazing skills and develop Alpha Class Magic!

  1. Course Sections - An Amazement Plan is a series of steps that lead to a completion of milestones and achievements.  In this AP, there are main milestones that break the plan into smaller segments. When you finish with a Course Section, you will have acquired new skills and you will be ready to move to the next section.
  2. Course Steps - Each Course Section contains multiple steps.
  3. The Plus Buttons- Use the Plus Buttons to open and close the Course Steps in the Amazement Plan.


Have you ever tried to use Facebook to promote your magic, only to wind up feeling like you wasted money on advertising that didn’t work?

We have.

Facebook Is Changing

It is getting harder and harder to to persuade people to see and click on your posts. It has become necessary to boost your posts in order to get more engagement.  In other words... unless you spend a little cash... no one SEES your post!

Recently, we decided to dig deep into this problem, and we discovered some very simple tips that will let you make Facebook your new favorite tool for getting shows and clients...and it works for just five bucks.

Best of all, when you follow these simple steps, you’ll be able to proceed with the confidence that you’ve got the secret code to make Facebook promotions effective!

Facebook Advertising...

...comes in 3 very basic types.

TRADITIONAL FACEBOOK ADVERTISING...which we cover in the Marketing Plan called "How to Create Your Facebook Business Page", focuses on running targeted ads to potential buyers and clients.

These ads will either promote your website or your Facebook Business Page. This type of advertising includes running ads to:

  • Promote Your Facebook Page and get more fans.
  • Send People to Your Website.
  • Get people to claim an offer
  • Raise attendance at an event

While these types of ads are great and work well - we are not focusing on this type of ad today.

CUSTOM AUDIENCE ADVERTISING... We talk about this method in our Marketing Plan called "Facebook Custom Audiences".  This is a much more targeted approach to advertising and can yield great results... but it takes time to develop these custom audiences.

This type of ad only starts working after you have an email list, list of cutomers, or a website that has been up and running for a couple of months.   This type is great for targeting people who visit your website or have already done business with you.  We are not going to focus on this type of advertising today.

POST BOOSTING...  Yes, boosting is the most underused form of advertising and is the perfect place for a beginner to start.  Today, we are going to focus on this type... and by the end of this plan, you will have my special method that has been working wonders for the past 6 months. Basically, "boosting" focuses on a particular post on your business’ page, instead of the page as a whole.

The process is simple, and as Facebook explains, it can be summed up in three easy steps: get started by picking a post to boost, choose your audience, and choose your budget. (I have my own three steps as you will see below)

Boosting a post is intended to highlight a particular aspect of your Facebook page, and is best used when promoting an upcoming special event, new offers, or big news for your magic business. Boosting is also very effective at spreading your content around the web.

In Theory...

Facebook gives you the ability to boost posts that you create on your magic company's Facebook page. Boosted posts appear higher in the newsfeed and they will appear on a person’s newsfeed more than once. A  boosted post will reach more of your followers, depending on how much you want to spend to boost it. Of course, we want to spend as little as possible until we know FOR SURE that this will work... right??

However, just following Facebook's method for boosting is not enough to get the job done.  You may or may not get results from your boost... and it could take you a long time to develop a proven method that gets the best results.

We are going to speed the whole process up for you.  We have developed our own 3 step method for boosting your posts... and we call it 'Power Boosting'.

After months of testing... we finally know that our method actually works!

Let's get started!

Power Boosting

Power Boosting is broken down into these 3 basic steps.

  1. A well crafted post with a great headline!  After you have written an awesome piece of content on your blog/website, you need an equally great headline for your Facebook post.
  2. Five Bucks!  Luckily that is all it takes to test and see how "viral" you will go.
  3. A Heavy Hitter!  Leverage someone else's fans to get the exposure you need to go viral!

2 - Get Some Content

3 - Craft Your Message

Now that you have your article written, it's time to go to Facebook and promote it.  You will want to start by copying the URL of your article and pasting it into your Facebook post box.

Make sure to copy/paste the entire link to your article .  That means the whole thing... like this:

Here's an easy picture to follow:

After posting your link in the box, Facebook will automatically generate a picture in most cases.  Also, Facebook will automatically add information about your website and display that info under the picture.  Usually, that information will include the name of your website.

See this example:

(If you aren't happy with the picture that Facebook used, you can create your own image with for free, as we discussed in the previous video.  Facebook allows you to override the default image with your own image. In most cases you won't need to do that...)

The only think left to do is...write a great headline!

Now we will create your post and write a great headline!

The following video is a walkthrough of how to write your post and write your headline.  In this example I am writing a specific headline for the fans of one of my bands, TRUTH & SALVAGE CO.

The headline I use is very specific to the fans of this band.

Now we will create a headline that is perfect for you to use in your magic business!  You will see the difference in writing headlines for "fans of a band" ... as we did in the last video...and writing headlines for magicians.

It's time to create a GREAT headline for your post!

4 - Step Two - Click That Button!

5 - Step Three - Get Some Shares

Sneaky Tactic? You Bet!

Yes... this is a sneaky tactic. Basically, I just created a bunch of "other" Facebook accounts that I can use to "like", "share", and"comment" on anything I want. (Sneaky like a magician...)

I can use this tactic to make Facebook think that my boost is working. In most cases, this gives my post the "jumpstart" it needs to get going really fast!

Technically this is against Facebook's Terms of Service... so I am not telling you to do this. I am just telling you that someone might do this. Feel me?

So how would someone do this? (Not you of course...)

Easy, start opening "other" Facebook accounts using a different email address for each account. Some of them are "business" accounts and some of them are "personal". Just make sure that each account has a different email address.

In fact, if you starting opening one new Facebook account every single week... you would own 52 different accounts in one year. You would have a little colony of power that you could direct anywhere you wanted.

I'm just saying...

Here is how to find heavy hitters:

1. Look for people in your industry, with many fans, who will share your post. Make sure your post is something that they will like to share.  Send the post to them and simply ask them to share it to their fans.

2. Look for celebrities - they always have tons of fans - and mention them in your post or article.  Then, ask them to share to their fans via Facebook.

3. Look for 'Heavy Hitters' in other industries that are related to the topic of your article.  Like... if you are writing an article about Wedding Magic, you could reach out to online wedding magazines and ask them to share your post... since it applies to them and their fans would really like it.

These are just a few tips... but get creative and think of ways to get Heavy Hitters to share your post.

Start at Five Bucks

I always advise starting any boost with only $5 and then waiting to see if you need to add more money.  Why would you want to add more money?

If you see that your post is getting a higher number of likes, comments, and shares that your other boosted posts... that is a great sign that you should add another $5 to that boost.

Then, keep promoting it and keep watching it.  If it continues to 'have legs' and get shares, likes, and comments... that means that you have a potentially viral post.  You should keep adding more money.  After all, this is some of the best money you can spend on Facebook.

The whole thing will starts to happen like an avalanche... and it will keep driving traffic and visits to your article or blog/website.

And you can keep adding money until the viral loop ends.  It's a fun ride - I promise!

Good luck and happy boosting!

Our very own CC member, Hidetaka Ishii, discovered how effective boosting can be.  We were excited to see this and wanted to share. (Originally posted in our CC Facebook Group)