The Bouquet (Red) by Bond Lee & MS Magic


Visually stunning, meticulously crafted, yet requires very little practice to perform. A perfect effect for working professionals and stage performers. The Bouquet is inspired from the classic blooming rose effect and we made it extremely portable for you.


Visually stunning, meticulously crafted, yet requires very little practice to perform. A perfect effect for working professionals and stage performers. The Bouquet is inspired from the classic blooming rose effect and we made it extremely portable for you.

Effect: The magician holds a bouquet with no roses at the start. Then, magically, numerous red roses begin to emerge until the bouquet is filled with beautiful roses.


- Size: 23cm x 20cm x 42cm
- Contains 9 red roses

Additional information

Weight 0.1 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 12 × 8 in
Product Format

Physical Product


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